Saturday, January 6, 2007

"Writing" yet another blog..well..not really..

How much do you write these days? By "write" i mean the most conventional of all "writes",not about "writing code",or "writing to a CD/DVD",but writing with a pen/pencil on a piece of paper (not "scribbling",but making an attempt to put up a decent handwriting) .Well,recently i realized that i hardly do.(It's been six months since i have started working in a software company!!!)

The occasion was filling up my info in my school's Alumni register.My school (Kendriya Vidyalaya INS Hamla , Malad) didn't have an official Alumni Register yet,and although the info will soon go where it actually belongs (in digital format , that is),in order to make a start we used the more conventional means.(As an aside,it was great meeting old teachers after a long gap,glad that almost all of them still remember me!!!).

Coming back to the point,while filling up the form we had this column called 'contact no',as i started penning my cell no down,for a split second my inner voice screamed (!!!!!),"you are HARDCODING your cell no!!!!!Not a great programming practice"(Well..It's been six months since i have started working in a software company!!!;-) ),sanity prevailed soon though and i put down the remaining digits!!!

The world has become simpler!!!

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